> On 6/10/18 11:21 AM, Brian Carpenter wrote:
> >
> > I have a strange issue that has been occurring for the last 2 weeks. One
> > our mailman servers continues to have 4-5 messages stuck in the
> > folder. These messages are being removed and then readded to the folder.
> The
> > same messages over and over and over. It is causing significant I/O
usage. I
> > have to stop the mailman server and then manually remove the messages.
> They
> > are coming from one list via different members. I checked the list
> > and there is only one copy of each message listed in the archive and
> > are not being resent to list members. It's just that these 4/5 messages
> > being removed and then rewritten to the qfiles/out folder over and over.
> > Suggestions?
> My first guess is they are outgoing messages that have encountered some
> 'retryable' SMTP error on one or more recipients and are being retried.
> Normally, they would only be retried every 15 minutes, but possibly this
> is occurring more often for some reason.
> Are there entries in qfiles/retry?
> What is logged in Mailman's smtp-failure log?
> What does Mailman's bin/dumpdb show on the .pck (or maybe .bak - need a
> -p option for that) files in qfiles/out and qfiles/retry? Look
> particularly at the second object from dumpdb - bin/show-qfiles doesn't
> show that.
> What does the MTA say about these?
> --
> Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

I think I found the problem. Several of those members had periods at the end
of their email addresses.


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