On 7/27/2018 4:18 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
> Yes, there are existing formats that at least mostly represent this in
> the message itself, but not for display. Especially that currently the
> wrapping message would say it is from the list, but you really want
> some way for it to say that in the MUA's message list, it should
> indicate who the author of the embedded message was, not the 'author'
> of the wrapping message. This probably means that we need a new
> message content type to indicate it. 

A message content type is one possibility, but other headers might also
be reasonable.

> Also, the MUA (or maybe their MTA) should know enough to pierce through
> that wrapping message and give an indication that the wrapped message
> passes or fails the appropriate tests. The current formatting doesn't
> imply that that should happen.

Shrug.  I wouldn't consider it to be silly for an MUA to apply those
tests to any message/rfc822 part, whether or not it came from a mailing

If I do a forward-as-attachment to forward a message to you, it would be
good if you could independently verify that the forwarded message is
from who it says it is from.

Anyhow, it's clearly possible, probably with minimal standards for
message metadata.  The problem (after getting agreement on the metadata)
is getting an adequate number of MUAs to behave well with the wrapped

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