On 09/14/2018 09:43 AM, Richard Johnson wrote:
> My issue is that the mail sent out says:
> From: testlist@peacock.place
> To: testl...@mischievous.us
> Cc: <original sender email>
> such that when I do a Reply-all, I get a message addressed as:
> To: testlist@peacock.place
> Cc: testl...@mischievous.us

Right. Your original message was To: testl...@mischievous.us so when you
reply-all, your MUA includes that address in the recipients of the reply.

> I notice that I don't seem to receive any duplicate messages.  Perhaps 
> Mailman is taking care of that for me, which is great!

Mailman is not doing that. Possibly something is dropping one of the
messages because of the duplicate Message-ID

> I had expected that my configuration in /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py 
> of:
> MTA = 'Postfix'
> DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'peacock.place'
> DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'peacock.place'
> add_virtualhost('mischievous.us', 'peacock.place')
> add_virtualhost('peacock.place', 'peacock.place')
> add_virtualhost('www.peacock.place', 'peacock.place')
> would have maybe told it that "mischievous.us" is another way of sending to 
> this same mailing list and thus it wouldn't include the CC, but maybe I'm 
> missing something?

What tells Mailman that "mischievous.us" is another way of sending to
this same mailing list is putting testl...@mischievous.us in Privacy
options... -> Recipient filters -> acceptable_aliases of the
testlist@peacock.place list.

Your add_virtualhost('mischievous.us', 'peacock.place') and
add_virtualhost('www.peacock.place', 'peacock.place') have nothing to do
with this.

However, as far as I can see, it is not Mailman putting
testl...@mischievous.us in the Cc: of your reply-all. It is your MUA.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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