On Sunday, October 7, 2018, 11:28:28 AM, Lindsay Haisley wrote:

LH> FMP's mail and web server is a virtual server at Linode. We run half a
LH> dozen Mailman lists or so, all opt-in lists for a couple of non-profits
LH> and small business customers, all of which have been running
LH> successfully for many months. Today I got a large number of
LH> unsubscription notices from one of our lists, all of them for addresses
LH> at hotmail.com, msn.com and outlook.com. They contain the following
LH> text:


LH> Has anyone seen similar problems recently with Microsoft mail customers
LH> who are Mailman list subscribers?

No problems here with the two lists I run, although I'm not a stranger
to problems with blocklists or list users inadvertently reporting list
messages as spam.

This is almost certainly not going to have anything to do with
Mailman, but more to do with the reputation of the IP address of your
virtual server at Linode or IP netblock ("neighborhood") you are
sending from.

If you Google around for the error you reported, you should be able to
find a form to request de-listing. Perhaps they will while-list your
server's IP address even if they are not thrilled with the overall
experience with emails from Linode address space.

Best regards,
 Robert Braver

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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