On 1/4/19 4:40 PM, David Newman wrote:
> On 1/4/19 12:19 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> On 1/3/19 2:18 PM, David Newman wrote:
>>> FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p1, mailman-2.1.29_5, postfix-3.3.2_1,1,
>>> nginx-1.14.2_3,2
>>> Greetings. Could use help understanding two issues after migrating from
>>> Apache to nginx:
>>> 1. All Mailman web pages load as expect except links from the admindb
>>> page (for pending moderator request), which redirect to localhost.
>> ...
>>> 2. Also on the admindb page, clicking the submit button to tend to
>>> pending requests triggers a warning in Firefox that the info is about to
>>> be submitted insecurely, even though the admindb URL begins with
>>> https:// - how to fix this?
>> I'm only answering the second issue here because it may also answer the
>> first. The issue here is the action= URL in the form tag has an http
>> (not https) scheme.
>> But, you have
>>> mm_cfg.py mods:
>>> ##################################################
>>> # Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
>>> MTA = 'Postfix'
>>> DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/'
>> This indicates you need to run fix_url to update existing lists with
>> this information. See <https://wiki.list.org/x/4030616>.
>> If this doesn't fix the first issue too, let us know and we'll look further.
> Actually, the localhost issue began _after_ I ran "bin/withlist -l -a -r
> fix_url" from the /usr/local/mailman directory and restarted the Mailman
> service.

Answering my own question: That command as written was a really bad idea.

There are multiple virtual hosts on this server, and no lists defined on
the server's canonical hostname. Running fix_url without calling out
each virtual host resulted in 'localhost' instead.

When I reran the command multiple times with the -u switch like this:

bin/withlist -l  -r fix_url listname -u lists.vhost1.com
bin/withlist -l  -r fix_url listname -u lists.vhost2.com
bin/withlist -l  -r fix_url listname -u lists.vhostN.com

and restarted mailman, all was good with the world once again.

Moral: If you have virtual hosts, run fix_url multiple times and use the
-u switch multiple times, once for each list and each virtual host.

Sorry for the waste of bandwidth.


> Thanks in advance for further clues on getting both issues sorted out.
> dn
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