So a couple of days ago I had a server just up and die.  It was put in place about 12 years ago, if not more.  Luckily I was working on replacing it, so I had  a new box under construction almost ready to take its place.  But the old server dies before I could make a smooth transition and get everything working on the new server.

Got the new server on line, up and running, the email lists are doing just fine.  But for some reason there are problems with the web pages, like will not work.  And I don't know why.  Here's the relevant lines from the httpd config file:

ScriptAlias /mailman/ "/local/mailman/teamnet/cgi-bin/"

<Directory "/local/mailman/teamnet/cgi-bin/">
          Require all granted
          Options ExecCGI


This was enough to work on the old server.  New server is Fedora 29, mailman version is mailman-2.1.29, Apache: Server version: Apache/2.4.39 (Fedora)  I have gone over the mailman installation instructions, and can't figure out what is going on.  I must be missing something really basic and obvious, but what?  Maybe I am just getting old and senile, I  solved problems like this for a quarter of a century as a sys admin at the U of Utah Computer Science department, must be really rusty and out of practice.

Fun fun fun.


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