Hello Nina Macdonald. On Sun, 16 Jun 2019 22:01:39 -0700, you wrote: 

> I have one listserv subscriber, who is signed up for the regular (not 
> digest) version.  He has been intermittently getting these odd 
> versions of messages.  When he gets this format, he does not get the 
> regular html version. Most of the messages come through just fine. I 
> have a number of other ones he has sent me if you need to see them. I 
> also have 9 other subscribers on me.com, whom I have not gotten 
> complaints from.

I have no idea, when / why such binary message bodies are created. But it 
happens to me as well - not only in mailing lists, but also with "regular" 
messages. I do not think this is an issue of Mailman (or any other list 
software) since they usually just add some headers and forward them "as is". It 
either happens at the originator’s mail program, or in any server involved 
between the sender and the final recipient.

However, my mail clients all can display the message properly. I am using 
GyazMail and Postbox 5 on different machines (all Macs). 

Therefore my first suggestion to that user would be to try a different program 
for Mail. 

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)      
Hilfe fuer Strassenkinder in Ghana: http://www.chance-for-children.org
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