I have had Mailman (current version v 2.1.27) List Serve working perfectly on 
my website for several years.  On July 5, I made some changes to my DNS 
settings to satisfy cPanel's Email Deliverability standards, and since then my 
List Serve no longer works.  I don't know if that was the cause, or if I have 
done something else to break it, and DNS records were just a coincidence.

I now have my main domain of ChristianGays.com <http://christiangays.com/> and 
sub-domain of mail.christiangays.com <http://mail.christiangays.com/> complying 
with DKIM and SPF records.  All is good now from that aspect, but the List 
Serve still doesn't work.

When I say it does not work, I can send and receive using my 
m...@christiangays.com <mailto:m...@christiangays.com> email address, but if I 
use any of my other email addresses, or if another member writes, the list 
serve does not forward to the group.

The sent emails can be found in the Archives, but they don't come through to 
our inboxes.

Log Errors (which I don't understand) show:

[29-Jul-2019 16:45:48 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their 
class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; wp_mail_from has a 
deprecated constructor in 
 on line 105
[29-Jul-2019 12:45:48 America/Toronto] PHP Deprecated:  Function 
create_function() is deprecated in 
/home/mary/public_html/mary-content/themes/generatepress_child/functions.php on 
line 249
[29-Jul-2019 12:45:48 America/Toronto] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header 
information - headers already sent in 
 on line 20

I did not set this up.  I know nothing of Python or Mailman, so although I have 
read your FAQ's, I am really not qualified to implement the instructions.  

I hired someone years ago to set this List Serve up for me, but now he is not 
available.  I have since hired two other people, one who specializes in Python 
to try to figure it out, and neither of them could find the problem.

Since two coders have not been able to fix it, I doubt that giving me 
instructions of what to look for would help.

I could hire someone else via Freelancer again, but believe it may just be more 
of a waste of time.  I would rather have someone who knows Mailman well, as I 
assume you all do.  I am willing to pay someone to look at the back end of my 
site to get this working again.  Is that possible?

Thank you.
Mary Pearson
ChristianGays.com <http://christiangays.com/>
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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