
I'm trying to get mailman up and running, using Apache as the web
server, and I appear to have run into a fundamental and insoluble

Now, please be gentle with me, it's a good 15 years since I last used
Linux servers in anger, and I am very far from being an expert with
Apache configuration, so there may be a very dumb question coming up.

I have the mailman lists working correctly, I can subscribe to lists,
send messages, and so on.  However, I have the apparently widespread
problem that the admin web pages just silently ignore commands.

Reading through this list, I see that this is apparently due to the
ScriptAlias redirection just silently dumping the data content of HTTP
POST requests.  Which seems a bit odd to me, but what do I know?

The standard installation of mailman uses the following httpd conf directives:

ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/
<Directory /usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/>
    AllowOverride None
    Options ExecCGI
    Require all granted

This makes sense to me, redirecting calls to /mailman/<cgiscript>
through to the directory in which those scripts are installed.  But if
the standard package setup uses HTTP POST, and ScriptAlias dumps HTTP
POST data, how could this ever work?

The documentation says that the Exec directive can be used as an
alternative, which would seem to side-step this problem, but I cannot
find the Exec directive anywhere in the Apache documentation.

Can anyone provide a sample config that works, please?  I'm thoroughly
confused, and none of the threads I've found on this list show any
kind of full solution.

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