On 2/11/20 11:42 AM, Dennis Putnam wrote:
> I've been reading up on migrating to a new server but I'm not sure I am
> reading the right instructions. It seems that copying the lists to the
> new server is one thing but it appears that the end result means the
> users will have to use a new list server. That is, if users were
> emailing listn...@oldserver.domain.com they will now have to email
> listn...@newserver.domain.com. That is not what I want. After migrating
> to the new server I want users to still email
> listn...@oldserver.domain.com. I expect to simply rename the new server
> to the old hostname and change its IP address. Can someone point me to
> some documentation that does that type migration? TIA.

This is dead simple.

Have you seen <https://wiki.list.org/x/4030682>, in particular, the two
archived posts linked from the first paragraph.

In any case, there are details depending on things like whether you want
to upgrade/change configurations, but I will assume that this is just a
matter of replacing a server and not changing Mailman.

In that case, you just rsync almost all of Mailman to the new server.
What I did when I did this last December is:

> rsync -a --exclude /locks /var/lib/mailman/ 
> r...@new.example.com:/var/lib/mailman
> rsync -a --exclude *pid --exclude /locks /opt/mailman/mm/var/ 
> r...@new.example.com:/opt/mailman/mm/var

Depending on your installation, you may have only one directory for
$prefix and $var_prefix. You may also have stuff in /etc/mailman.

You also have to copy Mailman's crontab and the relevant web server and
mail server configuration.

You need to set TTL a day or so in advance on your DNS records that
point to the old IP to a very short time, 300 seconds maybe even less if
you can.

Then you stop the services on the old server, change DNS to point to the
dew IP, do the final rsyncs, and start the services on the new server,
and you're done.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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