Thanks - part of my problem was fixed:
> DEFAULT_URL and DEFAULT_URL_HOST (set in are also None.

Setting  DEFAULT_URL_HOST seems to have solved the genaliases
part of my problems, as I can now run the command and it generates
the files it should.

However, mailman aliases are still user unknown with
<"|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post test-list">

> The alias apparently contains quotation marks, but it should not.  I
> don't know whether some program is generating them that way, or if you
> put them in.

Those are defined in the usual way as:

## test-list mailing list
test-list:              "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post test-list"


so I think some program is generating them, but which one?

- Eva

ma 7. jouluk. 2020 klo 16.44 Stephen J. Turnbull ( kirjoitti:

> Eva Isaksson writes:
>  > Now, setting up Postfix was not too big a problem, but getting it to
> work
>  > with mailman has been challenging. Particularly, genaliases gives me a
>  > traceback like this:
> [traceback trimmed]
>  >   File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 799, in get_site_email
>  >     hostname = mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOSTS.get(get_domain(), get_domain())
>  >   File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 794, in get_domain
>  >     return hostname.lower()
>  > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'
> get_domain is returning None, which means that the OS environment
> variables HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME are not set (this is normal) and
> DEFAULT_URL and DEFAULT_URL_HOST (set in are also None.
> DEFAULT_URL is obsolete and normally is None, DEFAULT_URL_HOST should
> be a string (enclosed in quotes), and defaults to 'localhost'.  You
> should check what these variables are in, and if neither is
> present in, what they are in (you should never
> edit because it will get overwritten on upgrade).
>  > I'm getting no alias files in the /var/lib/mailman/data/ directory, and
> my
>  > list addresses are not working:
>  >
>  > <"|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post test-list">
>  > (expanded
>  >     from <>): unknown user:
>  >     "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post test-list"
> I'm not very familiar with Postfix configuration (Exim user), but
> pretty clearly the aliases are getting written somehow.
> The alias apparently contains quotation marks, but it should not.  I
> don't know whether some program is generating them that way, or if you
> put them in.
> It's perfectly acceptable to us for you to post your Postfix
> configuration files and, but you may consider some of the
> information (including but not limited to domain names and list names)
> sensitive.  If so, you should redact sensitive information by
> substituting fake names, or if necessary, Mark and I accept private
> mail.  (The technical conversation will continue on list; private mail
> is just a way to keep private information out of the public archives.)
> Regards,
> Steve
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