Andy Cravens writes:

 > I’m running mailman 2.x and I am getting ready to build a new
 > server and migrate my lists to 3.x.  For those of you who have done
 > this already, do you have any recommended reading suggestions other
 > than the official web page at

The late Brian Carpenter wrote a bare-metal-to-bootable Mailman
installation guide.  It's Debian-specific, but most of the changes
should be obvious for Red Hat, Centos, or hwat have you.  I don't know
where exactly it is (no time to look, gotta catch a bus), but it's
strongly recommended as far as building the server goes.  Search Brian
in the archives (I don't recall if he
mentioned it on this list).

For the migration proper, I think migration.html plus the mailing list
archives are your best bet.

It's a long shot, but if your time frame is something like "anytime
between now and Halloween", we may have a nicer migration path (very
very very beta, though) at the end of summer (it's our GSoC intern's
project, so timeline is fixed, usability is not).

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