Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 5/12/22 10:45, Frank Thommen wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > I'm trying to implement Mailman topics through regular expressions.
> > However I'm not sure, what expression types are supported.  I was trying
> > * ^(OK|WARN|CRIT|UP|DOWN) ->
> >    * ^(OK|WARN|CRIT|UP|DOWN) -
> > to catch subject lines like "OK -> CRIT some text" and "UP -> DOWN some
> > text" ecc.  The regexpes above don't catch these mail, even though they
> > should be perfectly ok according to several regular expression testers.
> > Interestingly
> > /does/ match, but I require the trailing " ->" to discern from other,
> > very similar subjects.
> > I'm not sure what the asterisks are, maybe bullets?

Yep.  The asterisks are the bullets of a bulleted list and /not/ part of the 
regexp.  Sorry, if my formatting was unclear in that respect.

> The regexp '^(OK|WARN|CRIT|UP|DOWN) ->' should match, e.g.
> Subject: OK -> anything

That's exactly what I want to achieve.  But this doesn't seem to work, as these 
mails are /not/ added to the respective topic.

> > I also didn't find any reference documentation regarding the supported
> > regular expression syntax.  Is there any?
> >

That's what I thought, but then why does '^(OK|WARN|CRIT|UP|DOWN) ->' not lead 
to an email with the respective topic but '^(OK|WARN|CRIT|UP|DOWN)' does?

> > Out Mailman version is 2.1.9
> > Really? 2.1.9 is over 15 years old and 30 releases behind.

Don't tell me :-).  But we can't influence that.  We are just consumers of this 

Cheers, Frank
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