On 8 May 2012, at 15:38, Niels Kobsch?tzki wrote:

> Hi,
> in the default setting the preview of a mail (i.e. in the 
> widescreen-view that would be the third pane) the following 
> header-parts are shown:
> From:
> Subject:
> Date:
> To:
> Is there a way to add a header-part like "Delivered-to"?

Yes. It is not deeply documented, but as the manual 
(http://manual.mailmate-app.com/customization) says, if you have a  file 
at ~/Library/Application 
Support/MailMate/Resources/Layouts/headersFormatting.plist it will be 
used instead of the default header layout, which is at 

> Is there a way to show there to which imap-source a mail belongs?

The "Source Mailbox" is available as a column in a mailbox message list: 
right click in the header strip of a mailbox pane to get the column 
selection menu.

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