Hi all,

is it only me or do people experience very long delays (~ 2 mins)
when new e-mail arrives in the Inbox and MailMate tries to hand
over the message to SpamSieve?   During the delay, MailMate is
unresponsive and shows the spinning Beach Ball of Death.?

Looking at the SpamSieve Log, it looks like SpamSieve does not
receive anything from MailMate at all (before the problem occurred,
I saw entries reporting message classifcation, rule application, etc.).

Disabling SpamSieve in the MailMate Preferences makes the delays go away.

I'm running SpamSieve 2.9.5 and OS X 10.8.2.  (A downgrade to
SpamSpieve 2.9.4. didn't appear to help.  The problem might
occur since the switch to OS X 10.8.2, I cannot tell for sure...)

I have

  defaults write com.freron.MailMate DebugSpamDetection -bool YES

Where can I see MailMate talking to SpamSieve?

Thanks and best wishes,

| Torsten "Teggy" Grust
| Torsten.Grust at gmail.com

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