On 14 Dec 2012, at 0:22, Alexandre Takacs wrote:

> On 11 Dec 2012, at 15:14, Thomas Eckhold wrote:
>> Just a quick feedback: Tagging works really nice and I really like 
>> the unobtrusive and highly functional UI! Very well done!
> I'm sure a bit unimaginative / dumb but what are you guys doing with 
> this (= use case) ?
> I'd hate to miss on something seemingly useful :)

Actually I am just exploring how I can use tags expedient to simplify my 
workflow. I am used to store messages in different mailboxes with most 
of the time even more sub mailboxes  like:

mailbox:        client
sub mailbox:    project a
sub mailbox:    project b
sub mailbox:    task a
sub mailbox: ?

etc. This works quite well with the shortcuts to move messages (file 
them) to the specific folders. However, it has two drawbacks: (1) 
messages related to more than one topic can only be stored in one folder 
or need to be multiplied. (2) I need a further smart mailbox (or do a 
search) when I want to see all messages related to one client ordered by 
date or whatever?

The idea is to store all messages related to one client in one mailbox 
but to distinguish the messages by tags. That will allow me to use smart 
mailboxes to distinguish messages by projects, task or what ever using 
tags. I hope at some indefinite future date Benny will implement a 
filter function that would allow me to file messages by tags. In 
addition I hope that my database to store old messages (EagleFiler) will 
be able to read these tags so that I could search them inside my 
database. Does that make sense?


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