At 10:47 +0200 4/28/13, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 27 Apr 2013, at 21:02, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:

 If yes, then which layout are you using?

Widescreen. (Can't bear it myself; I use three-pane with the mailboxes *showing*, but my wife likes Widescreen with no boxes showing. Nice to
 have alternatives!)

Thanks, I can reproduce this. On a related note, I've also had a report about the composer window no longer remembering its window position. I'll look into both issues.

While you're at it, I'll throw in a vague report that the message pane doesn't always seem to know where the top of the message is located. Sometimes the message pane will load with the first few lines scrolled off the top of the pane. The problem is, it happens rarely and I haven't noticed a repeatable reason or way to reproduce the effect. I am using the Horizontal Thread Arcs view Steve Mayer posted to this list on 3/5/13, which may have something to do with it. Or not. Like I said, it's a very vague report, which is why I haven't reported it thus far. I mention it now only because you're looking into window positions.

Eric A. Meyer (
mailmate mailing list

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