Somewhat OT but fwiw I have a machine running MailMate with
~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate being a symlink to another
filesystem — that's the Big One, naturally. I make pretty liberal use of
symlinks in my home directory to keep as much of ~/Library as practical on
an SSD.

(Other things that aren't on the SSD — Xcode documentation, Steam (which
dumps all these giant games in Library) ~/Music, ~/Pictures, ~/Movies,

  You are standing in an open field west of a white house,
  with a boarded front door.

  There is a small mailbox here.

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Jason Davies <> wrote:

>  Further to this, it works fine on a normal configuration (no separation
> of home directory) so thanks, and I'll be looking out for a large SSD for
> the home machine;)
> On 10 Sep 2013, at 23:46, Jason Davies wrote:
> ok, I think what's going on here is that I have my OS and Applications
> (but not Home) on an SSD and the home directory on a spinning drive, which
> is breaking the link (also affects Dropbox, for instance). It's set via
> System Prefs/Users.
> This set-up is more trouble than it's worth but reuniting them two is
> going to be a major hassle too!
> Terminal said in response to the first
> The domain/default pair of (/Volumes/Macintosh
> HD/Users/ophiochos/Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate,
> MmTwoPointOhFeaturesEnabled) does not exist
> and the second one gives
> command not found.
> So I guess, unless you want to help me sort this for those rare occasions
> that someone has such a set-up, I should not pursue this on this particular
> Mac (the work one is a conventional set-up).
> I will see what happens when I create the directories on the SSD.
> Thanks
> On 10 Sep 2013, at 23:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> On 11 Sep 2013, at 0:04, Jason Davies wrote:
> The support ticket here:
> says 'can this discussion move to the mailing list'.
> So here it is...;)
> Thanks :-)
> I can't get started. I followed the instrucctions (creating the Bundles
> folder and installing the updated version) but no Command menu shows up nor
> does control shift A do anything except beep.
> Any guesses about what I'm missing here? This would be a really useful
> addition for me...
> Although it's an experimental feature I should probably try to reduce the
> steps needed to make this work.
> In the Terminal you should see the following (paste the lines prefixed
> with '>'):
> defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmTwoPointOhFeaturesEnabled
> 1
> ls ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Bundles/
> OmniFocus.mmBundle
> Does that work as expected?
> I'm on Version 1.6 (3672)
> That's fine.
> --
> Benny
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> Dr Jason Davies
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