I too have been noticing it, before 1.7. I would typically see an email arrive on my handheld Android device many minutes before MailMate would get it. And my INBOX is Connected on MailMate.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 14:50, Alberto Caporro wrote:

Just as a side note, I also noticed a similar behaviour, but it was
definitely there BEFORE 1.7; I always thought it had something to do with slow or unstable network connection in one of the places I work at, but
I've never been able to reach a firm conclusion.

It's not so frequent, so I never cared much and never looked at the log,
but I'll do that in the coming days.


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:19 PM, Ben Beuchler <ins...@gmail.com> wrote:

Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a wake/sleep

So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or three

I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a new

Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?

I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
other folders are Connected.

Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see if
is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX (it
be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).

I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.

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