
I work with two calendar. With ICAL invitations server I have no problems. They are managed by the server. With the invitations out server (eg a customer), if I accept the ICAL appointment by sending an email This is what I would be super nice change.



Olivier Bedouelle
+33 6 80 99 99 33

Vertdéco sarl
Chemin rural N°12
78114 Magny les Hameaux

*Vertdéco, jardinier et développeur de biodiversité*

+33 1 39 44 99 33

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Vertdéco est évalué Afaq 26000 (RSE) au stade maturité.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 23:39, Steve Mayer wrote:

Sure thing.

I also have figured out now why I've never run into a problem with iCal or BusyCal for this. All of my calendars are either local hosted caldav servers, iCloud servers or work related caldav servers. The email handling for the invites is handled by the server in these cases. The script method is only required for inviting to local calendars.

Steve Mayer

On 21 Oct 2013, at 14:38, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Oct 2013, at 23:18, Steve Mayer wrote:

What about a modified version (to use MailMate) to replace the Mail.scpt located in /System/Library/Frameworks/CalendarStore.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/Scripts? I believe that this could be the script used by iCal in Mountain Lion.

I don't think I knew about this Scripts folder. I'm writing on an old laptop with OS X 10.7 which means I cannot look into it right now, but I'll note that I should check this out when possible. Thanks!

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