When I select a group of messages, press t to open the tagging field,
and apply the tag "mailmate", nothing is tagged. When I select any message from the group, it has no tag. Nothing appears in the header, and nothing appears when I press t.

The problem turned out to be an elementary misunderstanding of the interface on my part. When I apply a tag and press return, the tag appears outlined in the tag field, and I believed it was applied at that point. When I then clicked away from the selection and returned to one of the messages I thought I had tagged, I found the tag was not applied.

Instead, of course, you must press return twice to apply a tag—once to confirm the selected tag (upon which it becomes outlined) and once to apply the changes to the message on the server. I did not intuit this.

Why did I have success tagging individual items and not a multiple selection? I'm not sure. I probably blundered into the correct workflow without understanding it.

Thanks for your response!


On 3 Jan 2014, at 7:54, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

When I select a message individually, I can apply the tag and it shows up later.

What do you mean by “later”? This might be a hint since it should appear immediately.

But I would like to be able to apply tags in bulk. Is there something I'm not understanding?

No, I think it should work as you expect. Something is not working correctly.

You can enable the “Raw Flags” column in the messages outline in order to follow changes more closely.

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