On 10 Jan 2014, at 19:56, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:
210k in All Mail and 3k in Inbox here. Search is noticeably laggy on my 3013 Macbook Pro, but everything works.
Uh, if it's laggy on your 3013 MacBook Pro, I can't imagine performance in mine :)

It's significantly faster than my 2009 iMac, that's for sure. Searching itself is pretty good but for some reason deleting characters out of the search incurs quite a bit of delay. That said, I do have quite a lot of mail.

I don't know if there's any delay built into the code when search terms are entered and deleted, but waiting for input in the box to stop for a a couple of hundred ms might help the perceptual responsiveness.

Alasdair Muckart | William de Wyke | http://wherearetheelves.net
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