On 9 Jan 2014, at 19:21, Mike Brasch wrote:

Many years ago (>10 years), my favorite mail client on RISC OS (Messenger Pro, mail and usenet client) had speacial features for mailing lists. The feel of mailing lists was exactly the same as that of Usenet-groups (incl. scoring, kill file etc.). If I, for example, created a new thread in a mailing list, MP used automatically the correct from-address. This was done via a manually maintained list of mailing lists with their standard adresses (post, unsubscribe, help etc.).

How did it know which list you were writing to?

I don't know if it will be difficult du do this automatically. It would be OK for me to do it manually.

If the currently selected message or mailbox has the information needed then it can be done automatically. Actually, this code already exists, but it was disabled because it was annoying for some users (I forgot the details). MailMate used the `List-Post` header to create the new message.

I've inserted a boolean to enable this code, but I haven't tested it. You can tell me about any issues when the next test version is out :-)

        defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmListPostLookupEnabled -bool YES

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