Maybe is it possible to create a rule with sending mail to?

Suffice it to bind this rule after a keyword, for example?


Olivier Bedouelle
+33 6 80 99 99 33


On 15 Jan 2014, at 16:40, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 15 Jan 2014, at 15:34, John Cooper wrote:

It strikes me that this, like about 80% of the questions posed in this forum, would be better, more quickly, and more easily solved by the use of a macro program such as Keyboard Maestro.

Well, it seems a lot of users are very happy with the (simple) support for, e.g., OmniFocus. Not all users have the time/resources to setup macros in Keyboard Maestro.

Personally, I'd rather Benny spend his time enhancing the core capabilities of MailMate than building in interfaces with the countless other third-party utilities out there. :)

Don't worry, I use these requests to enhance MailMate with general features which can be used for other purposes as well. (Although I do seem to have a long list of requests for more GTD apps: DevonThink, TaskPaper, Wunderlist, rememberthemilk, ...).

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