New MailMate user here. May I ask for you input? I apologize if this inquiry is 
out of the scope of this list....

I have used used Apple Mail (currently handling 6 imap accounts) pretty much 
for it's whole existence.  I have two gmail accounts, two mail accounts on my 
web host, and two mail accounts at Fastmail. I have a few other accounts that 
simply forward to one of those six.  

I'm evaluating MailMate before I purchase. I work from home (ebooks, websites, 
etc) and I receive and send lot's of email.  Best feature for me in Mail is 
"Rules" which I use to move mail into sub-folders. This is normally based on 
"sender".   I keep mail for long periods of time. I currently have about 10k 
messages that are "active" (not archived.)  I frequently have to search for 
emails based upon words found within the body.

1,)  If you used Apple Mail in the past, what is the best feature in MailMate 
that shines above Apple Mail?
2.)  What do you consider the best overall feature of MailMate? As a new user 
of MailMate, what should I be sure not to miss?


1611mac - gregS

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