I know a stupid questions, but are you sure it is Inbox?

To me it happens from time to time, that I'm on "All Messages" and I see this behaviour and until I realize I'm on the wrong folder I wonder :-)

Fabian Blechschmidt
Webentwicklung - Programmierung

Magento Certified Developer Plus

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Web: www.fabian-blechschmidt.de

On 21 Mar 2014, at 11:40, Jonathan Clark wrote:

Sometimes - but not all the time - I send an email (without copying myself on CC or BCC), and immediately a copy of the email appears in my inbox. I'm mystified why this happens, as I don't have any conditions or rules on this standard MM inbox, and I don't think Gmail filters could do this either. I don't believe I have any other MM clever processing bundles active either.

How can I help debug what's going on?


-- Jonathan
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