If I type -=, it puts in my standard (non-phone #) sig, and --=, puts in a longer, more formal sig including all contact details. You really can't get better than that with menu commands. I've never used signature features in a mail app...

On 15 Apr 2014, at 19:02, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:

On 16 Apr 2014, at 9:56, Brett Terpstra wrote:

TextExpander. That is all.

Completely reasonable suggestion. I haven't used this previously, but am aware of what it can do. For the moment, it's just as fast to have Sublime Text or some other simple text processor open with a sample and copy-paste, and that works just fine for this one use of snippets I currently have.

But if it gets to be annoying, yep, TextExpander seems a way to go.


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