I have many rules adding labels automatically, thus a message sent to a mailing list will be duplicated between the inbox and all the recipient lists.

So you keep the gmail labels by adding them manullay ?


On 3 Apr 2015, at 13:59, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

On 3 Apr 2015, at 13:01, Olivier Martin wrote:

Hello there,

The question must have been asked a thousand times : it's about gmail and labels...

As I understand it, they are mostly an IMAP hack and break many many clients. So... I should probably remove them, but I have like 8 years of labelling history so it's kind of a harsh decision to make. I could create Smart mailboxes I guess but I like the idea of organising my mails with them.

I'm curious how you guys deal with gmail, no labels **at all** ?

mailmate mailing list

I just treat them as folders: they can be nested, but that's it (i.e. no multiple labels per message)._______________________________________________
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