On 21 Oct 2015, at 15:36, Steve Mayer wrote:

Benny just tried r5151. Still getting the same message. When I try to bring my Gmail account online, that's the same dialog that comes up. Is there a way to 'reset' the token attempt?

Well, if you get the webview then MailMate is trying to get new tokens. But you can delete tokens in the Keychain by looking for entries named `com.freron.MailMate.Google.oauth-*`.

There's a debug variable for XOAUTH2, but I'm afraid the output is a bit chaotic and probably not very helpful in this case. Nevertheless, it's enabled like this:

        defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugXOAUTH2 -bool YES

Then launch MailMate like this:


Send me the output off list. Maybe also send me a screenshot to make sure I understand the issue correctly.

The workaround for now (to allow you to get your emails) is to disable OAuth2 in the IMAP account settings.

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