Hi folks

This is hard to debug as there may be some red herrings involved.

Two Macs (laptop, Mac Pro) using Mailmate at different times of teh day. I sat down and created some rules to help filter messages on both machines. Sometime just after that I started noticing duplicates appearing after I move messages to different folders.

I'm still not entirely convinced it's the rules I set up (which all say either 'move to mailbox x' or 'set tags to seen') but it's tricky to work out how to work out what's going on as it's erratic but frequent.

Are there logs that would help, that log moving messages? I've looked in Console but found nothing in the last hour; sometimes MMT directs you to the activity monitor log but that is unreadable in the activity monitor as it flashes around updating.

Any clues about where I look to find out why this is happening gratefully received!

Of course it may be my iPhone app...;) But I'm pretty sure I switched that off!
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