Thanks, Padraic, the copy-trick it was very useful!

Regarding syntax errors while debugging: where can I see them?
Is there a console / log / whatever, where they are listed?

As a (frustrating!!! ;-) example: I’m trying right now **only** this keybinding

"t" = ( "goToMailbox:", "TRASH" );

where TRASH is the result of your copy-trick, so the name **is** right.

However pressing *t* only brings a dialog about adding/removing tags!
(that I'm not able to find in the menu-bar! :-()
(and this only while *not* having the focus on an email - *with* focus it opens a field above the email, but for what?!… as you see, even more questions arise! ;-)

Any ideas?



On 16 Jan 2016, at 20:15, Padraic Renaghan wrote:

You can copy (⌘C) on the mailbox in MailMate and it will copy that mailbox's "id" to the clipboard You can paste that directly into the key bindings file for any action you want done in the context of that mailbox

I have found that debugging key bindings can be tricky. If you have a syntax error it may not parse the remainder of the file. Best to start with one, comment out everything else, test that one, if it works then comment out the next one and test and so on.


On 16 Jan 2016, at 13:56, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:

Hello again, Fredrik!

On 16 Jan 2016, at 11:54, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

Vlad Ghitulescu 2016-01-16 19:39 wrote:

Is there a place in MailMate to do this or is something I do in system preferences / Keyboard Maestro?

Custom key bindings is one of MailMates killer features in my opinion, everything can be done from the keyboard.

Manual here: <>

I have a blog post where you find the keybinding I use at <>.

I’ve read everything, took shamelessly ;-) your .plist-file, commented everything and started to test.

No problems at all with:

"n" = "newMessage:";
"m" = "moveToMailbox:";
"j" = ( "markAsJunk:", "moveToJunk:" );
"J" = ( "markAsNotJunk:" );
"g" = "goToMailbox:";

**but** no success (even no reaction at all) with:

"i" = ( "goToMailbox:", "INBOX" );

Perhaps because I have 3 accounts in MailMate (already ;-) and correspondently 3 different INBOXes?



P.S. 2. question on using the bbedit-command. I’ve started this reply in MailMate, switched over to BBEdit with CTRL-CMD-O, finished the message, saved and closed - in order to return to MailMate and send the message. Is there a way to open the reply **directly** in BBEdit (and not first in MailMate)?
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