It works only for the mailbox I was in in the moment I close MailMate.
Example: If I'm in Inbox and I'm closing MailMate, after restarting MailMate it only works when I'm in or switching to Inbox, but not in Sent, Drafts, Deleted or Junk. Correspondently, if I'm in Sent when I'm closing MailMate, after restarting the focus works only in Sent but in no other mailbox.

On 18 Jan 2016, at 7:53, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

Vlad Ghitulescu 2016-01-18 15:49 wrote:

Please see attached screenshot.
The path to my key binding file is: /Users/Vlad/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/VladsCustom.plist

Everything thing seems to be in order, I have no idea why it's not working for you.

If you make any changes to the KeyBindings you need to restart MailMate for it to take effect.

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