Gary Hull 2016-02-19 12:52 wrote:

there are two cases that I'd like to automate with a rule to mark them as seen:

1. Stuff that I've glanced at for a fraction of a second and then clicked the Archive button. The time viewed is not sufficient to mark them as Seen

2. Junk mail marked as junk by one of the mail providers I use, but which SpamSieve hasn't marked as junk.

I have a rule attached to the "Junk" folder that sets the tag "Seen" on all mail that comes in to Junk. You can do this on the "Archive" folder as well of course.

I never use the condition part of rules, I only attache them to (smart) folders.

With the excellent smart folders in MailMate I have found much less need for rules but have a handful of them for special cases.

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