On 6 May 2016, at 4:24, Howard Wettstein wrote:

I’m having trouble with signatures. For one thing, I’d prefer a default of no signature, but I’m not sure how to set that. Second, I want the signature right after the body of my message and before the earlier messages. Ditto about how to set that.

The latter is a setting in the Signatures preferences pane. You should also click “Reset Usage History” in the same pane to make sure MailMate does not remember a different habit (they signature system is dynamic).

You can also look into the hidden preference [`MmDynamicSignatureMethod`](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/hidden_preferences#composing), but I don't think it can do exactly what you want. I'm afraid there is no option to completely disable adding a signature, but I'll keep this limitation in mind.

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