On 30 Jun 2016, at 2:59, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:


This morning i'm noticing I'm  missing some mails in various folders.
I could see them on the online archives of mailing lists, and they are
available on gmail directly but in mailmate they where not there.

I thought my source might be offline, but it is not instead it says "throttled".

What does that mean ?

It seems to me that's a GMail thing, at least mostly. See https://support.google.com/a/answer/1071518?hl=en

It's possible that other providers may adopt Google's undocumented divergences from standard IMAP and be recognized by MM as 'throttled' but that would be unfortunate. Benny's response seems to imply that it's more generic but I've seen this exactly twice, both with users who were annoying Google by actually using their GMail accounts.

and how can I make it non-throttled ? :)

Get a real IMAP provider?

GMail is worth (at most) what you pay for it.

p.s. is there a way to move the sources above the mailbox so I can actually see the source is not
in a good state without scrolling ?

Well, there's the show/hide widget for he mailboxes section...
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