On 8 Jun 2015, at 17:33, Shoshanna Green wrote:

Today I have another instance of the issue I described a month ago (as well as it still persisting in the smart mailbox I created last month):

Sorry about the late response.

a message was sent this morning and arrived this morning, June 8, but MailMate does not find it in a smart mailbox if the date condition on that mailbox is set to “exactly 6/8/2015.” Instead, it finds it if the date condition is set to “exactly 6/7/2015.”

Note that “Date” is actually the date relative to the location of the sender. For example, the message you sent me has this date:

        Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2015 11:33:38 -0400

The received date is the same in this case, but it’s time is different (17:33 due to my location), but in theory the date could also have been different.

I think you can get what you want if you use “Date-Received” (via Other…) instead of “Date”.

(Maybe MailMate should behave differently with respect to the date header, but it’s always tricky to get these things right making it work well for all use cases.)

Apologies for again resurrecting an old thread, but I wanted to add that my assumption was that “date” meant “date received”, which is perhaps naive of me. A request for making the “date received” option visible by default and next to date.

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