On 4 Aug 2016, at 19:23, Robert Brenstein wrote:

The column "unread" in the list view shows a circle if the message is unread or is empty. I see those circles in at least 3 colors: blue, red, gray. However, I can't seem to find their explanation in the manual.

Hi Robert,

The blue and grey are simple to explain:

- Blue: indicates a single unread message.
- Grey: You should only see grey next to a thread, not a single message. Grey means that the thread has a mix of unread and read messages. A thread that contains messages that are all unread should have blue next to it, and a thread of all read messages should have neither blue nor grey next to it.

The red one requires a more detailed explanation, and I will quote Bill Cole from this previous message on the list:


On 18 Mar 2016, at 10:44, Bill Cole wrote:

It means that you use another client in addition to MailMate with that source account and that the other client handles message deletion in a classical IMAP mode. This means that messages get marked with the "\Deleted" flag when the user deletes them, but do not REALLY get deleted until the mailbox or (if the server & client support the UIDPLUS extension) the individual message is purged. Some servers auto-purge mailboxes or individual \Deleted messages based on various criteria and some clients do as well, although some client+server combinations will never purge anything unless the user explicitly commands it.

So: a red dot in the "Read" column means that something other than MailMate marked the message for deletion but has not yet told the server to purge it.

The mechanics of handling message deletion and presentation of recoverable "deleted" messages vary broadly between IMAP clients. MailMate uses a very conservative approach of not purging messages it did not flag \Deleted, although I don't know how it manages that on servers without UIDPLUS support (which was a requirement for early versions of MailMate.)

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