On 4 Aug 2016, at 22:40, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I found View->Layout->Statistics
I don’t see Command->Visualize

The histograms are impressive but I mean simple global statistics like what Eudora shows.

Visualize is a MailMate bundle that you have to install before you can use it. You can install it from Preferences ➝ Bundles. Find Visualize and check the box, and MailMate will install it for you.

I am the author of the bundle, so if you let me know what global statistics you were given by Eudora (I never used it), I could plan on including it in Visualize. No promises, especially on the "when", but I am motivated enough to add features to it, and I've already been considering adding a "summary statistics" command.

Another caveat is that, from the sounds of it, Eudora's statistics gave you numbers/plots about your entire inbox or entire message database. Due to the way bundles work in MailMate, Visualize won't have access to that. You will have to select messages before you can invoke Visualize commands.

I have tested Visualize with up to 100,000 messages, and while it takes a few seconds to generate the plots, it does work eventually. A lot of that could be the plotting library working, and it might be a lot faster if what you want are just text-based summaries.

Tip to all Visualize users: if you will be selecting 10s or 100 of thousands of messages, things run a lot faster if you choose a layout that doesn't show message preview or thread arcs. The selection itself happens faster because MailMate doesn't try to render message previews and thread arcs for a large number of messages.

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