Hello all,

I've been having a strange problem with MailMate mailboxes. When I try to click on the mailbox pane, sometimes the mailbox pane scrolls upward about a message; other times not. This is hard to clearly explain, so I created some videos showing it not happening, and then happening.

<http://meyerweb.com/vid/2016/mailmate-stable.mov> -- this is now things should act, I believe. <http://meyerweb.com/vid/2016/mailmate-jump.mov> -- note how the scrollbar moves when the mailbox pane is clicked; I am _not_ clicking and dragging there, and can trigger the behavior with either an external mouse (what i used in the video) or the touchpad.

The problem isn't 100% reproducible for me, but I was able to trigger it pretty consistently by turning Distortion Mode off and then back on.

Even without any Distortion Mode changes, it seems to happen whenever new messages have arrived in the mailbox, but I'm not sure that it happens every time. And once I've seen the jump-up and then scrolled back down to the bottom, it doesn't seem to happen again until a new message comes in. (If that is in fact the trigger.)

Anyone else seeing something similar? Better still, know why it might be happening and how to prevent it? This is in El Capitan, if that helps at all.

Eric A. Meyer - http://meyerweb.com/
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