I think my original question/observation has become lost in the thread, and I may not have phrased my last remark well.

Initially, my sig marker was just <dash><dash> and what that caused was my closing salutation to be made into a header by the markdown processor, e.g..

best wishes
Verdon Vaillancourt

I have since been informed, and then verified that using <dash><dash><space> OR <space><dash><dash> as my sig marker, leads to the markdown processor ignoring the sig marker, and not treating it as if it was a header indicator, e.g..

best wishes
Verdon Vaillancourt

In the end, I think mail mate is likely behaving as it should, and I didn’t understand that the sig marker required a <space> after the dashes.

Sorry for any confusion I have caused,


On 20 Dec 2016, at 19:48, Charlie Garrison wrote:

On 21 Dec 2016, at 10:41, Sam Hathaway wrote:

But, "dash dash space" *is* the proper sig marker, right? As (I think) we covered earlier in this thread? Does MailMate fall down on "dash dash space"?

I haven’t tested with different sig markers, but Verdon said:

Introducing the space on either end leads to the <dash><dash> being ignored by the markdown processor

I read that to mean that MailMate fails with dash,dash,space.

And yes, reading the Usenet RFC, dash,dash,space,newline is correct sig marker.



    Charlie Garrison                   <char...@garrison.com.au>
    Garrison Computer Services      <http://www.garrison.com.au>
    PO Box 380
    Tumbarumba NSW 2653  Australia


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