On 4 Jan 2017, at 1:02, Jim McCarty wrote:

I have a home computer and a work computer where I use MailMate and now that I'm getting more into the awesome customization I can do, I find myself taking work I do on one computer (setting up smart mailboxes, tweaking rules and conditions, etc.) and needing to duplicate that on the other computer so I have a "unified" email experience.

Is there a way to move these configurations from one computer to the other? I don't mind doing some manual work like grabbing an xml file, making manual changes to tweak an already established file, or what have you.

When MailMate is **not** running then it's safe to move any of the `.plist` files:

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/*.plist

Some of them need to go together, but if you haven't changed anything account related then it's fine to move the `Mailboxes.plist` file. You should have the same accounts on both computers and they should be configured them in the same way (if the IMAP server allows different usernames, like Gmail, for the same IMAP account then you could run into issues).

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