Re 2: Just to report for those who do not read release notes in detail: version (5344) shows older messages on top. Nice job, Benny!


On 10 Jan 2017, at 17:19, Robert Brenstein wrote:

A followup:

1: It is not possible to get this behaviour with the mouse - annoying since it forces me to move my hand off the mouse just for this (yes, I am aware that most MM users are keyboard centric). My wish: it would be great if the right-click popup menu included the option to open messages individually.

2: Msg windows are sorted with newest message on top — of course, when reading a thread, I would prefer to read oldest first. Benny says that he changed this behavior in the forthcoming release.

3: Msg windows open snag at the bottom of the screen. I seem to recall a recent discussion about such problematic window positioning. I discovered that the problematic positioning occurs when no message window is open. I haven’t found a way to set the default position. However, if I leave one msg window open (behind the main window is fine), the further message windows open relative to that window (actually, the latest open message window). My wish: MM could allow setting the default position and size for opening a new message window if no other window is open (the current behavior is fine otherwise).


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