On 21 Feb 2017, at 19:41, Mike Brasch wrote:

On 19 Feb 2017, at 23:41, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

I'm looking for ways to have a mailbox that shows any email from a specific group of people, similar to VIP in iOS or apple mail.

I have a helper smart folder named "ViP source" with

        mailboxes: "All messages"
        condition: "Tags/Keyword" include "ViP"

Additionally I have the main smart folder "ViP" with

        mailboxes: "All messages"
        condition: "From>Name" is in "ViP source" "From>Name"
        submailboxes: "From>Name"

All you have to do is to tag one mail for each person you want to see in your ViP folder.

Does it do what you want?

Kinda - and I have similar right now.

It still means I have to maintain that list in addition to the list on phone and in contacts.

I was hoping to try find a way to keep them somewhat in sync from a common source.

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