After experimenting a while with another laptop I had, here’s what I figured out.

Near as I can tell, through the migrations I’ve done from laptop to laptop and OS to OS over the years, some sort of corruption was introduced. I didn’t nail down if it was at the OS level or within an individual user account.

I do know that a fresh install of El Capitan or Sierra, with a brand new user account that is logged in to iCloud (simply to grab all the accounts and Contacts and such), a fresh install of MailMate and BusyContacts all will work together wonderfully. All that is needed is a switch to MailMate as the default email client, and turning on Spotlight indexing in the MailMate prefs.

So, the MailMate/BusyContacts integration still works. If anyone is finding theirs does not, and you’ve done a few Apple migrations from laptop to laptop, chances are you’ve got some of the same corruption I had.

What I did was just rebuild this laptop with what I currently need. It’s good practice anyways to do that occasionally because you’ll find that half the crap you have is not necessary!

All of the rogue Application choices in the email and web browser client popups come from old “Applications (Parallels)” folders that are left on the drive. Removing those and rebuilding the launch services database makes them go away.

Blayne Puklich             Minneapolis, MN       PGP Key ID: 0xC52CA6C1
* mailto:blayne at
         I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode.

On 28 Apr 2017, at 7:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 26 Apr 2017, at 2:23, Blayne Puklich wrote:

I’ve trudged through the mailing list archives and done quite a bit of Googling to try and figure out why the BusyContacts and MailMate integration doesn’t work. BusyContacts just won’t show email activity.

Indexing is enabled in MailMate. The Custom Location is enabled and left as the home directory.

For the record, enabling indexing should be sufficient for this to work. (And I just tried and it appears to work for me with BusyContacts.)

Spotlight finds emails just fine via multiple searches - name, email address, etc.

MailMate is the default mailer.

.eml files open with MailMate.

I even logged out of iCloud and back in, just for kicks.

iCloud should not play a part in this.

Is this working for anyone else? Any other things for me to try? Thanks much in advance!

Maybe the problem with the many options in the email client popup is somehow related (although I don't know how). You might want to try resetting [launch services](

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