One of the mailboxes I subscribe too is a gmail account. It gets a lot of noise from a couple servers I admin, which I do not need to keep beyond 30 days. I user gmail filters to move mail with certain criteria to a gmail folder, and a script within google apps that works on that folder as a cron sort of thing, and nightly deletes anything older than 30 days. It could work directly on the inbox too, if I wanted it to.

The point is, is that sort of action works best on the server, and not on the client, where rules general only run once on inbound mail, without manual intervention. gmail is scriptable, and that’s handy. Other servers may have other choices. Thinking out loud now too, would it be possible with Applescript to have a task run in MlMt that would manually run rules on all the contents of select mailboxes?


On 21 Aug 2017, at 7:07, Tim Lance wrote:

Thanks, Bill. I’ll keep messing with this. I wonder what others do.


On 20 Aug 2017, at 18:19, Bill Cole wrote:

On 20 Aug 2017, at 13:39, Tim Lance wrote:

I want to delete messages older than 30 days. Yes, I understand the implications but I am not a huge email user.

Best I can tell is I need to set a rule? I tried setting one for the “combined” mailbox: Deleted Messages. It does not work. I have 6 IMAP accounts (5 gmail, 1 iCloud). I tried setting a rule for a particular mailbox in Deleted Messages. Nope.

I've done something like this for abandoned Drafts over 30 days old. I have a smart mailbox inside Drafts called DraftAbbatoir, that contains anything in the aggregated Drafts mailbox which is over 30 days old. That smart mailbox has a rule which does a sanity check (i.e. that \Flagged and \Forwarded aren't set but \Draft is) and permanently deletes anything which passes.

This works because rules are only automatically run against a message when it first appears in a mailbox. In my rig, messages appear in the mailbox when they are 30 days old. If you have a rule set on Deleted Messages, any message you delete in the usual way (provisionally) has the rule tested against it at that time but never again unless you select the message specifically and use the Apply Rules menu command.
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