On 12 Dec 2017, at 20:10, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On 12 Dec 2017, at 17:48, Bill Cole wrote:

On 12 Dec 2017, at 1:10 (-0500), Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On 11 Dec 2017, at 23:26, Bill Cole wrote:

On 10 Dec 2017, at 21:14 (-0500), Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

My suspicion is that the problem has to do with very large directories on APFS file systems

This would be shocking. One of the rationales for APFS existing is that the HFS foundation was played out for dealing with large directories efficiently. I haven't looked into the details (life is short...) but if APFS is *worse* than HFS{+,X} with large directories then Apple is in a worse state than I had thought...

Yah. I have no other explanation, though. To give a current example, on a machine -- an old one, to be sure -- a Time Machine backup started almost 10 hours ago. It's dumped 77.5 MB -- out of a total of 152.7 MB -- in that time, and it's been at about 77 MB for the last ~7-8 hours. At some point, though, it will pass the expensive point and run at a reasonable rate. This dump is to a directly connected USB 2.0 drive. And the CPU is about 96% idle, according to 'top'.

Btw: by "big", I mean that I have one mailbox with 114K messages; the directory itself is 3.6 MB. No other mailbox is more than half that size, though I have four that are over 1 MB.

Oh my.

Yah. I knew some were large, but I didn't think *that* large. Worse yet, one of the top few is my inbox, which I haven't been cleaning out of late. I've been following the MailMate mantra: just create smart folders...

Since the backup disk can't be APFS (Time Machine relies on hard-linked directories, which APFS won't do) you're still dealing with that huge directory in HFS+ on the write side. If that directory has changes it is going to be spectacularly slow for TM to do 114k file hard links and copy a handful of changed files into a new directory.

Right, which explains older slowness, but not the sudden problem.

OK. I split up the really largest mailboxes, which has taken care of the immediate problem: I can now do backups in finite time. I still suspect an APFS issue which suddenly made the problem critical, but at least I'm back on the air. (And I'm building a Python script to ease mailbox splitting...)

        --Steve Bellovin, https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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