On 24 Jan 2018, at 19:51, John K Masters wrote:

At about 18:20 MailMate popped up a message saying it needed to re-synchronize. It then shut down. On reopening all Archived messages in Gmail are missing. Other accounts are fine as are other Gmail mailboxes. I can see the archived mail in Apple Mail. Any ideas?

They are in Apple Mail which means that they are also on the IMAP server. That rules out that the emails hadn't been uploaded the server (which is a good thing).

If you use “[Gmail]/All Mail” to archive messages then you might need to explicitly subscribe to this folder using “Edit Subscriptions” in the IMAP account window. There's more about that folder here: https://manual.mailmate-app.com/account_setup#gmail

Let me know if that does not help.

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