On 20 Apr 2018, at 22:06, Rob McBroom wrote:

I was messing with font settings again today and was reminded that the Plain Text and HTML alternatives are basically identical. If I change the font for either view, it changes for both.

Is it possible to show plain text messages with a fixed-width font?

I think you can probably get close by creating this file:

~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Resources/MmMessagesWebView/html_stylesheet.css

For plain text emails displayed by MailMate then the following should work:

        div { font-family: Monaco, monospace; }

Is it possible to respect the senders font in HTML, but fall back to variable-width if they don’t specify?

Very often they do specify, e.g., MailMate has to explicitly request a sans-serif font, because otherwise HTML emails get very ugly in some email clients.

You could try something like this:

        body { font-family: monospace; }

Or maybe:

        p,div { font-family: monospace; }

Overriding everything:

        * { font-family: monospace !important; }

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