On 2 Jul 2018, at 17:50, Paula R. T. Coelho wrote:

i’m using MM to move thousands of messages from one account to another (both google), with “Move to Mailbox…”.

the intention is to remove the messages from the source account, but the messages keep reappearing. Labels are removed, so they show up in All Mail.

is this on purpose? or?

The behavior of a Gmail account depends on multiple factors. How MailMate behaves is described [here](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/account_setup#gmail), but this does not include a description of combining MailMate with various Gmail (webmail) settings. You can configure what Gmail does when an IMAP email client expunges emails in the webmail interface. MailMate cannot see how Gmail is configured and therefore there's not much I can do other than what an IMAP email client should do: Delete (expunge) an email in the source account *after* it has been uploaded to the destination account. In some cases Gmail considers this an action to “archive” instead of “deleting”.

That wasn't very clear, but I hope you got the main point: Go to the webmail settings and re-consider your IMAP settings for the source account.

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