Hi Benny,

Thank you for your email.

As in “new email” only or do you also mean replies? Or maybe only replies?

Both, new emails and replies, but lets focus on new emails.

But when I write email first and want to insert a signature afterwards, the signature goes on top of everything that I wrote.

This is what confuses me. Your setting is to put it at the top?

Maybe I understand the problem: By default no signature is used, because this is what you most often do. Some times you then add a signature *after* writing a reply at the top of the message. This fails to place the signature between your text and the replied text (putting it above your reply instead)? I guess MailMate could/should be smarter in this case.

Exactly, in case of new emails, MailMate insert the signature above my text.

Is this correct?


I have tried bottom signature placement too, but same behavior.
It also goes to the top?

Yes, but my understanding is that this setting is applicable to replies not new emails.

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